Award-winning Furniture Sales Training

This sales training is proven to work!
Individual users have access to over 250 training lessons, PDF’s, games, templates, quizzes, podcasts, customer follow-up scripts, certification and more.
Store Managers can have access to progress reports as well as all of the above resources.
Sign up for an annual or month-to-month subscription
Every lesson is made specifically for the furniture industry
Access your furniture training programs from any device any time
Takes only 15-20 minutes to complete each lesson
Get notified which lessons you should take and when to take them
Receive certificates when you have successfully completed the lessons
We Will Make A Difference In Your Furniture and Mattress Sales
94% of salespeople who complete our training report an increase in furniture sales. On average, salespeople show a 10-25% increase in furniture and mattress sales.
We've trained over 40,000 furniture salespeople for more than 4,000 home furnishing retailers. We've developed custom training for many furniture retailer brands.
Our Furniture Sales Training Works!
"We've been using the training for over two years, and it works! Not only has it been successful with our new hires, but it has been great for our veteran sales team. Because of FTC's reporting services, I can easily manage the training in each of our 12 locations. I can't think of training that is higher quality or easier to use and manage than the training from The Furniture Training Company."
Sandy Howe, Director of Stores, Kittle's Furniture